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We will open wider to the outside world and optimize the business environment

At present, the global epidemic and the world economy remain grim and complex。In such a complex situation, China has always been committed to opening up further, upholding the concept of win-win cooperation, striving to create a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment, improve the level playing field, and create more opportunities for the global business community。Foreign business people in China said that they have benefited a lot from China's unremitting efforts, and they are more optimistic about the Chinese market environment。

"We see opportunities and we are confident"

In the first half of this year, despite unprecedented difficulties and challenges, China's foreign trade, foreign investment and consumption delivered a good "semi-annual report".。Foreign enterprises are optimistic about China, which is inseparable from China's adherence to the international advanced level, optimizing services for market players, and constantly improving the business environment。

"China has made unprecedented achievements in optimizing the business environment。The World Bank recently released a special report titled "China's Successful experience in optimizing the Business Environment: Reform Drivers and Future Reform Opportunities"。The report states that,China's doing business reforms cover most of the Doing Business 2020 indicators;In the last two years,China's global ranking for ease of doing Business jumped from 78th place in 2018 to 31st place in 2020,For the second year in a row, it has been among the world's top 10 fastest reforming economies。

Business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises。In recent years,China's participation in the World Bank's Global Assessment of the ease of doing Business is a starting point,By deepening reform and opening up wider,We are committed to creating a fair, transparent and predictable business environment,The global ranking of business environment continues to rise significantly,The number of reforms endorsed is among the top three in the world,The business environment has improved the most among the world's major economies。

"Building a more friendly and open business environment, China's achievements can be seen.。We have seen opportunities and increased confidence。Belgian-chinese Economic and Trade Commission Chairman Bernard de Wit said。Belgium sent an economic and trade delegation of more than 460 business people to China last year, and De Wit was a member of the delegation。In his view, with the size of Belgium's economy, it can organize such an unprecedented scale to visit China, "is an example of European enterprises are optimistic about the Chinese market".。

The third research and development institution of Shiseido, a well-known Japanese cosmetics group, landed in Shanghai this year to continue to promote localization。In addition, Shiseido has signed a three-year cooperation memorandum with the China International Import Expo Bureau starting next year。Naoko Nagatani, head of the business strategy department of Shiseido (China) Investment Co., LTD., said that the COVID-19 epidemic has not affected the company's continued deep development in the Chinese market, "We are full of confidence in the prospects of the Chinese market, and will further strengthen investment in China in the future."。

"The Chinese government has always been committed to creating a more perfect and fair business environment for the development of Chinese and foreign enterprises。Zhuang Juzhong, senior economic adviser to the Asian Development Bank, believes that China's persistent improvement of the business environment is a good opportunity for the development of Southeast Asian economies。

"The legitimate rights and interests of foreign businesses in China are effectively protected"

To stimulate the vitality of the market, we must put the power that should be put in place, create the environment that should be created, and formulate the rules that should be formulated, so that entrepreneurs can have a good place to use。

In the World Bank's "Doing Business 2020" report, China scored higher than any other economy in the world on improving the quality of judicial administration。

On the road of deepening reform and opening up, China is determined to move forward and create soil for enterprises to flourish。Relevant laws targeting the development of domestic and foreign enterprises have been introduced。

January 1st of this year,The Foreign Investment Law and its implementing Regulations came into effect,To provide stronger protection for foreign interests in China;The Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment were implemented,The policies, measures and practices related to optimizing the business environment in recent years will be formed into legally binding institutional norms for the whole society,China has entered a new stage in building a system to improve the business environment.National negative list for foreign investment access in 2020,The number of articles has been reduced from 40 in 2019 to 33,The negative list for foreign investment access in the pilot Free Trade Zone has been reduced from 37 to 30...

International investors feel that there are fewer constraints and obstacles, a more level playing field, and better protection of their legitimate rights and interests。

"The Foreign Investment Law simplifies the approval process and guarantees fair competition by reducing the negative list for foreign investment access.。Marcos Ludwig, partner of Brazil Future Law Firm, believes that China has made obvious progress in improving arbitration laws and practices, which is a very positive signal for foreign companies in China。

Strengthening IPR protection will help promote international cooperation at a higher level。DeWitt said,European companies take patent protection very seriously,The Foreign Investment Law legally confirms that foreign investment outside the negative list enjoys national treatment,Compulsory technology transfer by administrative means is prohibited,Ipr protection for foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises has been strengthened,"The legitimate rights and interests of foreign businesses in China are effectively protected"。

Paris-based Dassault Systemes, the world's largest industrial software provider, recently moved its Asia-Pacific headquarters to Shanghai, China, where it plans to increase its workforce from more than 600 to more than 2,000 within five to 10 years。Zhang Ying, head of the company's greater China operations, said Dassault Systemes was investing more in the country because of "the speed and resilience of China, the strength of government support and the progress in intellectual property protection".。

French lawyer Nicola Koster, who often deals with cross-border legal business between China and France, is deeply touched by China's efforts to strengthen property rights and intellectual property protection, "A standardized and perfect property rights and intellectual property protection system has stimulated new investment and economic vitality.。China has become a major player in property rights and intellectual property protection in today's world。”

Eu companies firmly committed to the Chinese market

The combination of stable economic recovery expectations, continuously optimized business environment, ultra-large market advantages and domestic demand potential is attracting more and more foreign enterprises to further explore the Chinese market。

In June this year, Thailand's Kaitai Bank registered in Shenzhen established Kaitai Vision Information Technology Co., LTD., the business focus includes research and development of financial information technology systems, digital banking and other digital economic systems, expand artificial intelligence, blockchain, financial cloud and other financial technology products, to provide new financial technology services for bank customers。This is the first foreign bank to set up a fintech company in Shenzhen this year。

"The establishment of the company benefited from the opening-up and cooperation in China's financial sector, which further opened the door to foreign enterprises。CAI Weicai, a senior vice-president at the bank, said the business environment in China's banking and insurance sector was more relaxed than in the past, especially when it came to foreign ownership, with more flexible legal rules。He firmly believes that an open and fair competition in China's financial market will attract more foreign financial institutions to participate in it。

Park Seung-chan, director of the Korea China Management Institute, has had many exchanges with local governments in China。"The level of their foreign investment services is increasing, and the efficiency of various government services has improved significantly。Pu Shengzan believes that China actively promotes the reform of "discharge management service", which has further stimulated the vitality of the market。

DeWitt said that this year, China reduced the negative list for the fourth consecutive year, which can be seen that China is continuously optimizing the investment environment, reducing the burden for foreign investors and creating more convenience。"At a time when some countries are trying to close their doors to foreign investment, the Chinese government is taking a number of measures to persist in opening up, which deserves the recognition and support of the world.。”

"China is on the right path of promoting trade and investment between countries。Michele Geraci, former deputy Minister of Economic Development of Italy, said, "China continues to open up and bring opportunities to the world, and Italian companies should seize these opportunities.。”

According to the "European Chamber of Commerce in China Business Confidence Survey 2020" released by the European Chamber of Commerce in China and Roland Berger Consulting in June, more than 60 percent of the respondents said that China is still one of their top three investment destinations。"China has a growing domestic demand and a market environment suitable for innovation and long-term operations, as well as a vibrant industrial ecosystem," said EUCham President Johann Wuttke。Eu companies will be firmly committed to exploring the Chinese market。”(Journalists Qu Song, Liu Ge, Zhao Yipu, Fang Yingxin, Liu Junguo, Ge Wenbo, Han Shuo, Zhu Dongjun, Ma Fei)

Source: People's Daily 

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